Begoña Alfaro. Azti

  • 2 min. read

img_2336 Manager of Sensory & Consumer Sciences Laboratory at AZTI. PhD in Predictive Microbiology and Sensory Sciences by the Basque Country University. Master degree in Marketing by Faculty of Economics and Business Studies (UPV, 2000). Experience in Sensory and Consumer Research for Product Development. Her research has focused on the exploration of new methodologies to further understanding sensory and consumer perception. She was a visitor scientist in MAFF (1996), CSL Central Science Laboratory, Norwich, UK and in “National Food Administration” (1998), Uppsala, Sweden. She has taught masters and professional courses. She has been involved in several research and industrial projects for agro-food sector at national and international level. Dr. Alfaro is the author or co-author of over 40 publications in international journals and conference proceedings including. Member of the European Sensory Science Society (E3S).


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