Special session open to the public

  • 2 min. read



October 26, 2016

9.00-9.15       Welcome. Joxe Mari Aizega (Basque Culinary Center)

9.15-9.45        A brainy tongue. Andoni Luis Aduriz (Mugaritz)

9.45-10.30     Multisensory- Past, Present and Future. Heston Blumenthal (The Fat Duck)

10.30-11.00   How data will change the future of food: Foodpairing and consumer flavour intelligence. Bernard Lahousse (FoodPairing)


11.00-11.30    Coffee Break


11.30-12.00     Kitchen Theory – A gastrophysic experience. Jozef Youssef (Kitchen Theory) and Charles Spence (Oxford University)

12.00-12.30     How do we smell? Uncovering the mysteries of human olfaction. Leslie Vosshall (Rockefeller University)

12.30-13.00     Customized food for target population: tasty and healthy products. Begoña Alfaro (Azti Tecnalia)


13.00-14:30    Lunch


14.30-15.10    From the tongue to the brain. Charles Zuker (Columbia University)

15.10-16.00   Round Table. Flavor is in the brain. Dana Small (The John B. Pierce Laboratory).  Hormones, genes and human food intake. Stephen O’Rahilly (Cambridge University).

16.00-16.30   Tasting the future. Adrian Cheok (Imagineering Institute)

16.30-17.00  The Sensory Logic of the Gastronomic Brain. Matthieu Louis (Centre for Genomic Regulation), Irene Miguel-Aliaga (Imperial College London), Juan Carlos Arboleya (Basque Culinary Center) and Dani Lasa (Mugaritz).


*All conferences will take place at the auditorium of Basque Culinary Center. The access has no cost, but requires a previous admission request through info@brainytongue.com





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